Textbook of Personalized Medicine - Second Edition [2015]

(Ron) #1


protocol with 100 % success rate. Small initial concentrations of DNA can be
amplifi ed and successfully genotyped on the AmpliChip CYP450 and a wide variety
of sample types can be tested, including human whole blood, plasma and serum.
Investigation of additional allelic variants on the AmpliChip CYP450 microarray is
considered to be dependant on sample availability. The role of CYP450 genotyping
in development of personalized medicine is shown in Fig. 2.4.

Standardizing the Microarrays

Because researchers are using a lot of different methods and protocols in microar-
ray experiments, it is diffi cult to compare their results with those from other labo-
ratories. If microarrays are to be used effectively in the clinic to diagnose patients
and design patient-tailored therapies, they will need to be standardized like any
other clinical tests. Reproducibility between laboratories increases markedly
when standardized protocols are implemented for RNA labeling, hybridization,
microarray processing, data acquisition and data normalization. Reproducibility
is highest when analysis was based on biological themes defi ned by enriched
Gene Ontology categories. Use of commercially manufactured microarrays pro-
duced results that can be more easily replicated. Using microarrays made in-house
by each lab gives less consistent results. However, microarray results can be com-
parable across different laboratories when a common platform and set of proce-
dures are used. Improving and standardizing microarray experiments will also
enable earlier detection of diseases and bring us one step closer to personalized
medical treatment.

Drug Safety

Personalized Medicine



Clinical Trials

Drug Discovery

© Jain PharmaBiotech

Role of Biomarkers in Development of Personalized Drugs

2 Molecular Diagnostics in Personalized Medicine
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