Analytical Chemistry
Orbitals, atomic, 365 molecular, 365 Organic compounds, spectrometric identification of, 446 Organic material, analysis of, 505 ...
Peristaltic proportioning pump, 517 pH, complexation and solubility equilibria, 37 effect, 60 of salt solutions, 47 Phase, bonde ...
stationary, 124 vapour in spectra, 117 Phosphorescence, 374 Photoluminescence, 374 Photometers, filter, 356 UV/visible, 127 Phot ...
dropping mercury electrode (DME), 250 linear sweep oscillographic, 252 modes of operation used in, 252 Polyatomic organic molecu ...
Precipitates, purity of, 222 , 225 rates of formation and particle growth, 220 solubility, 218 , 224 stoichiometry, 224 Precipit ...
GC, 495 wire, 50 Q Q-test, 18 Quality control charts, CUSUM, 27 Shewhart, 27 Quantitative measurements and Interferences, AAS, 3 ...
Quantum efficiency factor (or yield), 375 Quantum numbers, 284 Quenching, chemical, 461 colour, 461 in gas, 460 R Radiation, abs ...
Ratio, isotope, in MS, 436 magnetogyric, 399 neutron to proton, 452 Reagent, chemical shift, 407 Zimmerman-Rheinhardht, 205 Redu ...
Reversible cell, 229 Rf values, 155 Ring current, 402 Robotics, laboratory, 522 Robots, arm systems, 522 Cartesian, 522 cylindri ...
Self-absorption, 292 , 318 Self-reversal of the line, 292 Semi-conductor detectors, 463 SEM-EDAX, 345 Separation, factor, 90 opt ...
Sequential basis, atomic emission measurements, 303 Sharp line sources, 326 SI units, 11 Significant figures, 55 Silanizing, 97 ...
acidic, 199 amphiprotic, 43 basic, 199 delivery systems HPLC, 120 extraction, 55 in analytical chemistry, 41 ionizing, 41 non-io ...
Fourier transform, infrared, 358 recording, 355 Spectometry, alpha, 465 analytical techniques, 276 applications of, arc/spark em ...
mass (MS), 426 molecular, 354 near infrared (NIR), 393 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), 396 plasma emission, 297 visible and ul ...
Spectrum, first-order, 406 gamma ray, 461 Spin quantum number, 396 Spin-spin coupling, 405 Splitting, second-order, 405 Spread o ...
Temperature effects programming, GC, 106 Tertiary fluorescence, 341 Tetramethylsilane (TMS), 398 , 402 Thermal desorption, 109 T ...
acid base, 194 acid base in non-aqueous solvents, 199 amperometric, 257 applications of acid base, 199 applications of coulometr ...
Transmittance, 359 Transport, convective, 519 diffusional, 519 True result, 13 V Validation of methods, 12 van Deemter, 89 ...
Vaporization, by reduction and hydride generation, 330 flame, 327 flameless, 328 sample, 327 Variance, 15 VDU, 532 Velocity, bur ...
energy dispersive analysis of (EDAX), 347 excitation, 344 fluorescence spectrometry, XRFS, 339 instrumentation, 344 mass absorpt ...
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