Analytical Chemistry

(Chris Devlin) #1
Page xi

Preface to the Fifth Edition

It is twenty-five years since the first edition was published, and at the beginning of the twenty-first
century it seems appropriate to reflect on the directions in which analytical chemistry is developing.
The opening statements from the preface to the first edition are as relevant now as they were in 1975,

'Analytical chemistry is a branch of chemistry which is both broad in scope and requires a specialised and
disciplined approach. Its applications extend to all parts of an industrialised society.'

During this period, the main themes have remained constant, but differences in emphasis are readily
discerned. An increasing concern with the well-being of individuals and life in general has led to
initiatives for improvements in medicine and the world environment, and in these areas analytical
chemistry has particularly vital roles to play. The elucidation of the causes and effects of ill health or of
environmental problems often depends heavily upon analytical measurements. The demand for
analytical data in relation to manufactured goods is increasing. For example, in the pharmaceutical
industry much effort is being concentrated on combinatorial chemistry where thousands of potential
drugs are being designed, synthesised and screened. This activity generates considerable analytical
requirements, particularly for automated chromatographic and spectrometric procedures, to deal with
very large numbers of samples. The determination of ultra-trace levels and the speciation of analytes
continues to provide challenges in the manufacture of highly pure materials and environmental

A recurring theme throughout the discipline is the sustained impact of computers on both
instrumentation and data handling where real-time processing within a Windows environment is
becoming the norm. Data reliability in the context of policy development and legal proceedings is also
of increasing importance. Such developments, however, should not distract analytical chemists from the
need for a sound understanding of the principles on which the techniques and methodologies are based,
and these remain prominent features in the fifth edition. Whilst it would be true to say that no totally
new analytical technique has gained prominence during the five years since the fourth edition, most of
the established ones have undergone further improvements in both instrument design and methodology.

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