Analytical Chemistry

(Chris Devlin) #1

An indication of the flexibility imparted by computer control of such a spectrometer is given in the
following list of typical facilities for spectra acquisition, display, storage and analysis.

  • Display of one or more spectra on a VDU

  • Overlay of spectra for comparison

  • Spectrum smoothing

  • Addition or subtraction of spectra

  • Peak search

  • Peak identification by reference to a library

  • Peak integration

  • Storage and recall of spectra on magnetic tape or disks

  • Provision of hard copy by x–y plotter or printer

  • Energy calibration

  • Multiscaling which enables the decay of a nominated region of interest in the spectrum to be
    monitored with respect to time. Thus a half-life may be obtained as an aid to isotope identification.

  • Storage and automatic resetting of instrument parameters

  • Correction of data for quantitative analysis

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