Analytical Chemistry

(Chris Devlin) #1
sample system, gc, 94

split, 94

splitless, 94

system, 94


automatic, 96

valve, 121

Instrument optimization, computer interfaces, 534

Integration, automatic, 113

Interferometers, 280

Internal conversion,

mol. spec, 374

nuclear decay, 454

Internal normalization, 113

Internal standardization, 9 , 114

Intersystem crossing, 374

Intrinsic semi-conductor detectors, 464


common ion effect, 39

detection and recording system, MS, 432

total ion current, 116

tropylium, 437

Ion chromatography (IC), 147

background suppression, 147

Ion-exchange, 160

non-resinous ion-exchange materials, 163

properties of ion-exchange resins, 164
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