Best Free Software
30 10 - 23 July 2019
If you often makevoice calls onyour
computer while you’reout ofthe houseor
office, backgroundnoisecan sometimes be
anissue,making it hard for bothoreitherof
you tohearwhatthe otherissaying. Evenif
you’resomewhere quiet, the persononthe
otherendofthe linemight not be.Krisp aims
tosolve thisproblembymutingormasking
backgroundnoiseduringcalls.You haveto
createanaccount andsign intouse the
software(whichisa bit ofa nuisance), and
thenselectKrisp asyourdevice’s speaker
The programwas originallydesignedfor
macOSbut isnowavailablefor Windowstoo.
Whenyou right-clickthe Start buttonin
Windows8.1 orWindows 10 , a basicmenu
opens,givingyou quick accesstoa numberof
built-intools,including Power Options,
WindowsPowerShell andTaskManager.
Win-X MenuEditorletsyou customisethis
menubymovingitems upanddownthe list,
renaming themorremovingthem. You can
addprograms andpresets,including items
fromControlPanel andAdministrativeTools,
andcreategroups. You needtorestart
Explorerfor any changes totakeeffect.
The latestversion replacesthe separate
buildsfor x86 andx64 systems,andworks
with newer versionsofWindows 10.
OvertimeyourPCgetsclogged upwith
temporaryfiles, cacheddataandotherjunk
thatwastesspace onyourhard drive and
slows downyoursystem. Wipe 18 scans
yourPCandshows you howmuchspace it
could freeup.You can thenviewthe details
anddeselectany items you don’t wantthe
tooltoerase,orclickDeletetoremoveall the
junk. The Settingspageletsyou configure
the software, delete filessecurely, manage
systemperformance andset Wipetoclose
annoyingprograms automatically.This
version has a newcustomisableinterface
andimproved support for cleaningupafter
newer programs.
Wipe 18
Min requirements:Windows7/8.1/10
File size: 54 0KB (installeronly)
Min requirements:Windows7/8.1/10ormacOS
File size: 69 MB
Win-X MenuEditor 3
Min requirements:Windows8.1/10
File size: 23 9KB