Smart Buildings Systems for Architects, Owners and Builders

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space. This level of individual control, while still maintaining overall system
management, is part of programmable lighting and HVAC control systems.
Many times this type of control is provided to occupants through touchsc-
reens or other smart building systems such as VoIP telephones. The require-
ment is to provide individual lighting controls for at least 90% of the
building occupants to enable adjustments to suit individual task needs and pre-
ferences. For thermal controls, the requirement is for 50% of the building
occupants to be able to adjust temperature and ventilation to meet individual
needs and preferences. (Note that operable windows may be used in lieu of
controls for occupants within proximity of the operable window.)



The intent of this LEED credit is to provide for the assessment of occupant
thermal comfort over time with one of the requirements being a permanent
monitoring system. The objective is through additional monitoring and sen-
sors the smart building systems collect more data on system and occupant
use, which is then turned into actionable information to ensure thermal
comfort. Such a system documents and validates building performance, moni-
tors and maintains the thermal environment, and provides information on
corrective action.

Innovation in Design (1 to 5 Points)

LEED will grant points for innovative ideas not covered by the Green Build-
ing Ratings System or ideas that substantially exceed a LEED performance
credit. The intent is to provide an opportunity to the design team to achieve
exceptional performance.
There are two ways credits can be achieved. One is the “Innovation in
Design,” in which a new energy or sustainability strategy is proposed that is
not addressed in current LEED strategies. This allows the design team to
obtain points for thinking outside the box. Potential innovations where
integrated smart building systems would facilitate the reduction of energy
and the reuse and recycling of materials seem limited only by imagination
and creativity.
The other pathway is “exemplary performance.” A point can be earned for
exemplary performance when the project has exceeded the credit requirements

Energy and Sustainability 199
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