Smart Buildings Systems for Architects, Owners and Builders

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provide power to a device is about $864 while the cost of a POE network
port is $47 to $175.
Another potential cost savings is related to energy consumption. Several
network equipment manufacturers have developed software that can turn
POE devices on or off, or reduce the power to the devices, thus reducing
energy consumption and costs.

Increased reliability—POE centralizes power distribution. Instead of a power
outlet at each local device, power is now distributed from the telecommuni-
cation rooms somewhat like the older centralized telephone systems. Cen-
tralized power makes it easier to provide uninterruptible and emergency
power for critical hardware thus increasing system reliability and uptime.

System management—POE allows the end device to be monitored and man-
aged. Network switches provide management tools such as the Simple Net-
work Management Protocol (SNMP) which allows staff to manage the end
devices including the power to the end device.

Easier moves, additions, and changes—POE allows for slightly easier building
renovations and rearranging of spaces since devices only need one cable.
Installation of devices on walls or ceilings and temporary installation setups
are easier.

International applications—POE is an international standard and deployed
worldwide allowing manufacturers to avoid supplying different power cords
for different countries.

Safer—When POE is used, lower-voltage distribution is used to power devices
and less high voltage is used throughout a building. This results in a safer

30 Smart Building Systems for Architects, Owners, and Builders
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