Wine Chemistry and Biochemistry

(Steven Felgate) #1
Chapter 11

Wine Spoilage by Fungal Metabolites

Manuel Malfeito-Ferreira, Andre Barata, and Virgilio Loureiro ́


11.1 Introduction...................... ........................................ 615
11.2 OchratoxinA ............................................................. 616
11.2.1 ChemicalStructure.................................................. 616
11.2.2 ToxicityandPublicHealthSafety ..................................... 617
11.2.3 Occurrence ........................................................ 619
11.2.4 Ochratoxin A Production on Grapes............................. ...... 620
11.2.5 Prevention and OTA Production Control on Grapes................. ...... 623
11.2.6 OTAControlStrategiesinWine ....................................... 624
11.3 Volatile Phenols................... ........................................ 626
11.3.1 ChemicalStructureandOccurrence.................................... 627
11.3.2 Origin ............................................................ 627
11.3.3 Effect of Volatile Phenols on Product Quality...................... ...... 633
11.3.4 ControlMeasures ................................................... 635
11.4 Tetrahydropyridines................ ........................................ 636
11.4.1 ChemicalStructureandOrigin ........................................ 636
11.4.2 Effect on Wine Quality and Occurrence.......................... ...... 637
11.4.3 ControlMeasures ................................................... 638
11.5 FinalRemarks............................................................. 638
References ............................................................... 639

11.1 Introduction

This chapter is devoted to the description of toxic and spoiling secondary metabo-

lites produced by moulds and yeasts in grapes and wines. The toxic compounds

affect human health being a food safety issue while spoilage concerns wine organol-

eptical quality being, therefore, a technological matter. Amongst several compounds

with detrimental effects on human healthreported as occurring in wine – lead, pes-

ticides, ethyl carbamate, biogenic amines, and more recently ochratoxin A (OTA) –

only the last is of fungal origin and the most preoccupying of them. The occurrence

Virgilio Loureiro (B)
Tapada da Ajuda, 1349-017 Lisbon, Portugal
e-mail: [email protected]

M.V. Moreno-Arribas, M.C. Polo (eds.),Wine Chemistry and Biochemistry,
DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-74118-523,©CSpringer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009

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