Wine Chemistry and Biochemistry

(Steven Felgate) #1

13 Statistical Techniques for the Interpretation of Analytical Data 685

Accepting that previous values

x 1 , 1 ,x 2 , 1 ,...,xn 1 , 1


x 1 , 2 ,x 2 , 2 ,...,xn 2 , 2


{ ,...,
x 1 ,k,x 2 ,k,...,xnk,k

correspond to the data fromkrandom subpopulations, with

normal distribution (xi,j∼N(mj,σ),j= 1 ,...,k), and assuming thatm 1 ,...,mj

represents a random sample from a population with distributionN(μ, σa), we can

consider for each observationxi,jtherandom effects model (components of variance

model) xi,j=μ+aj+εi,jwhereaj=mj−μare independentN(0,σa)andεi,j

are independentN(0,σ). For this model, we are interested in estimating the two

components of varianceσ^2 andσa^2 , and in testing the hypothesisH 0 ≡σa^2 = 0

using the same statisticFcal=
SSerr or/(n−k) with aFk−^1 ,n−kdistribution as in the
fixed effects case. The components of variance are estimated asσ^2 =MSSwithin

andσa^2 =(MSSbetween−MSSwithin)/q,whereq=k−^11 (


∑n^2 j
Azen 1979; Massart et al. 1990; Gardiner 1997). Thisrandom effects modelis often

used in analytical chemistry to breakdown a total precision into its components such

as between-days and within-days, or between-laboratories and within-laboratories

in collaborative trials, to validate an analytical method using reference material. Two Factor Experimental Design or Two-Way ANOVA

In the case of two factors A and B, withaandbfixed levels respectively, andm

replicate measurements of response variableXin each ofa·btreatment com-

binations, we accept for every observationxi,j,k,thek-th replicate of experimen-

tal units receiving factor A leveliand B levelj, the following model:xi,j,k =

μ+αi+βj+γi,j+εi,j,k, withi= 1 ,...,a, j= 1 ,...,b,yk = 1 ,...,m,

and whereμis a global mean,αirepresenting the effect on the response variable

Xof factor A at leveli,βjrepresenting the effect on the response variable of

factor B at levelj,γi,jrepresenting the combined effect on the response variable

Xof factor A at leveliwith factor B at levelj,andεi,j,kis the error with nor-

mal distributionN(0,σ). The two-way ANOVA breaks down the total variation

of the observations into four sources associated with both factors, their interaction

and with other factors not controlled, in agreement with the terms in the model

(SStotal=SSA+SSB+SSAx B+SSerr or). There are three null hypotheses asso-

ciated with two factors: factor A does not influence the response variableX,H 01 ≡

αi= 0 , ∀i, factor B does not influence the response,H 02 ≡βj= 0 , ∀j,and

no interaction effect occurs,H 03 ≡γi,j= 0 ,∀i,j, that can be confirmed with the

three following F-statistics:Fcal^1 =MSSA/MSSerr orwith (a−1) andab(m−1)df,

Fcal^2 =MSSB/MSSerr orwith (b−1) andab(m−1) df andFcal^3 =MSSAB/MSSerr or

with (a−1)(b−1) andab(m−1) df, respectively. The sums of squares associated
with the source of variation, their df and mean squares, and the F-ratios, along with

their associated probabilities, are summarized in the two-way ANOVA table (see

Table 13.7). After fixing the value forα,ifFcal^3 <F 1 −α,(a−1)(b−1),ab(m−1)orPAx B>α,

thenH 03 is accepted, the interaction does not exist, and the influence of one of the

factors will not depend on the levels of another factor. IfFcal^1 >F 1 −α,(a−1),ab(m−1)

orPA<α,thenH 02 is rejected, factor A influences the analyzed variable, and if

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