718 Index
C. albidus, 632
C. laurentii, 632
C. wickerhamii, 632
Cabernet Sauvignon Blanc, 320
Cabernet Sauvignon musts, 456
Cabernet Sauvignon wines, 301, 351, 364,
396–397, 518, 531, 539–540
Cadaverine, 164, 170, 176–177
Caenorhabditis elegans, 581
Caffeic acid, 253, 511–513, 534, 539–540, 634
Caftaric acid, 253–254, 511–512
Caftaric acid-anthocyanin adducts, and color
of red wine, 549
Calcium tartrate (TCa) 147
Canary white wines, 396
Cancer, 573
Candida, 4, 86, 172, 455
Candida beverwijkiae, 370
Candida colliculosa, 338, 360, 367
Candida krusei, 330, 338, 360, 368–369
Candida lambica, 370
Candida pelliculosa, 370
Candida Pulcherrima, 368–369
Candida stellata, 324, 330, 338, 357, 360,
367–368, 632
Candida valida, 370
Canonical variate analysis (CVA) 701–702,
Capillary electrophoresis (CE) methods,
180–181, 198–199
Caramelcharacteristics, 40
Carbohydrate catabolism, 6
Carbohydrate metabolism, 38
Carbohydrates, 231–246
chemical structure, 232–233
mono- and disaccharides, 239–241
polysaccharides, 244–246
properties, 232–239
biochemical reactions, 238
chemical reactivity, 234–238
isomerism, 232–235
physical properties, 238–239
rotary power, 239
sweetness, 238
in wine, 231–241, 244–246
Carbons, and white wine fining, 146
Carbonyls, 406–407
volatile aroma, 339–342
Carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), 147–148
for tartrate salt precipitation, 150–151
Carboxy-pyranoanthocyanins, 452–454
Cardiovascular diseases, 573
β-Carotene, 255–257
Carotenoids, aroma precursors, 251–252,
Caseicin, 33
Caseins, 128
and white wine fining, 146
Catabolic repression by glucose, 9
Catechin-pyrylium derived pigments, and color
of red wine, 549
Catechins, 528, 534
Cava sparkling wines, 475
Cava wines, 62, 67, 171
Cellulose, 232, 296–297, 300
Cencibel (synTempranillo) wines, 531
Champagne wines, 62, 147, 151, 208, 285, 475
Champagnization process, 19
Chardonnay wines, 222, 284, 301, 328, 333,
363–364, 396–397, 475
aroma descriptors for, 366–367
characteristics of, 301, 303
gluten and fining agents for clarification,
Chemical complexity, of wine aroma, 393–394
Chemometrics, 668–669
Chenin Blanc o Colom-bar wines, 295
Chiro-inositol, 242–243
Chlorated cresols, 610
4-Chloro guayacol, 610
6-Chlorovainilline, 610
Cholesterol homeostasis, polyphenols effect
on, 577–579
Chronic kidney disease, 573
Cinnamic acid, 516
Citric acid
determination in wine and must, 654
transformation, 39–40
Citronellol, 349–350
Clairette de Die wine, 138
Clusters analysis (CA), 697–699
Coeliac disease (nontropical sprue), 144
Co-inoculation time, and MLF performance in
wineries, 44
Colombard wines, 351
Color of red wine, 528–550
changes during maturation and aging,
anthocyanin-ethyl-flavanol pigments,
anthocyanin-flavanol condensed
pigments, 548–549
anthocyanin oligomers, 549
caftaric acid-anthocyanin adducts, 549