Wine Chemistry and Biochemistry

(Steven Felgate) #1

3B Biologically Aged Wines 85

4th Criadera

3rd Criadera


4th Criadera

3rd Criadera

2nd Criadera

1st Criadera &

Function 1

unction 2

Fig. 3B.3Heterogeneity of wine samples in the biological aging system

individual cask in the fourthcriaderaexposed the effect of blending and substantial

metabolic activity in the yeasts, which is reflected in the differences observed

between the young wine and that in the fourthcriadera(Berlanga et al. 2004a).

There have been several attempts at distinguishing wine from different scales in

a biological aging system. Thus, P ́erez (1982) established a relationship between

aging time and the different scales for an average permanence time of four years

in a system consisting of four scales (three criaderas plus the solera). Moreno

et al. (2001) applied a single regression model to some winemaking variables with

a view to discriminating scales in a biological system, but chose the compounds to

be monitored on an individual basis.

Recently, Berlanga et al. (2004b), using discriminant analysis, established differ-
ences among wine samples from the samecriaderas y solerasystem.

Dispersion of wine samples was greaterat an early stage (fourth and third cri-

adera) by effect of the increased heterogeneity of the wine and the also increased

physiological activity of the yeasts (Fig. 3B.3). Dispersion decreased from one scale

to the next; also, the first criadera was indistinguishable from the solera. Because

dispersion decreases from one scale to the next, the biological aging system effi-

ciently converts heterogeneous winesfrom different vintages into homogeneous

wine in thesolera.

3B.2 Flor Film

3B.2.1 Microbiota in the Flor Film

Flor microbiota was first studied by Pasteur in 1875 (Charpentier et al. 2000), who

called itMycoderma vini, in Jura wines. Microbiological analyses of flor films

in Jerez and Montilla-Moriles wines have revealed a high variability in microbial

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