Ralph Vince - Portfolio Mathematics

(Brent) #1

Classical Portfolio Construction 239

From the parameters the investor has input, we can calculate theco-
variancebetween any two securities as:

COVa, b=Ra, b∗Sa∗Sb (7.01)

where: COVa,b=The covariance between the ath security and the
bth one.
Ra, b=The linear correlation coefficient between a and b.
Sa=The standard deviation of the ath security.
Sb=The standard deviation of the bth security.

The standard deviations, Saand Sb, are obtained by taking the square root
of the variances in expected returns for securities a and b.
Returning to our example, we can determine the covariance between
Toxico (T) and Incubeast (I) as:


−. 15 ∗. (^10) *

. 25

=−. 15 ∗. 316227766 ∗. 5

=−. 02371708245

Thus, given a covariance and the comprising standard deviations, we can
calculate the linear correlation coefficient as:

Ra, b=COVa, b/(Sa∗Sb) (7.02)

where: COVa, b=The covariance between the ath security and the
bth one.
Ra, b=The linear correlation coefficient between a and b.
Sa=The standard deviation of the ath security.
Sb=The standard deviation of the bth security.

Notice that the covariance of a security to itself is the variance, since
the linear correlation coefficient of a security to itself is 1:

COVx, x= 1 ∗Sx∗Sx
= 1 ∗S^2 x
=S^2 x


where: COVx, x=The covariance of a security to itself.
Sx=The standard deviation of a security.
Vx=The variance of a security.
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