Science - USA (2021-12-24)

(Antfer) #1

Mindray, a leading global medical device and solution
provider headquartered in Shenzhen, China, focuses
on advancing and sharing health technology to bring
better care to more people across the globe. Mindray�s
primary operations cover patient monitoring and life
support, in-vitro diagnostics, and medical imaging
systems. Through its innovative M-Connect IT solution
and MiCo+, Mindray, working with Intel, is committed to
helping healthcare providers boost efficiency and
optimize management.

At the First Affiliated Hospital of the Zhejiang
University School of Medicine, the
M-Connect IT solution for the ICU unlocks
the potential of patient monitoring by
creating a universal, central monitoring
platform. It enables the hospital to achieve
seamless device integration, greater data
visibility, streamlined workflows, and
efficient clinical decision-making processes.

With the technical support of Mindray�s
remote imaging platform MiCo+, Shenzhen
People�s Hospital and Shenzhen Shekou
People�s Hospital fully meet the demands of
ultrasonic remote quality control, teaching
and training, and remote consultation.

Connectivity Reshaping the Future of Health Care

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