Science - USA (2021-12-24)

(Antfer) #1
Q: Diversity is one area where you wish you’d
made more progress. But NIH recently ended
a policy that some institutes hoped would
help identify high-quality proposals from
Black scientists that just missed the funding
cutoff. Was that because of legal concerns?
A: Exactly. What we must not do in our
efforts to try to right 400 years of wrongs
is put forward solutions that can be readily
attacked as inconsistent with Supreme
Court rulings. We cannot run the risk of a
legal challenge.

Q: How do you feel about your efforts to sup-
port younger, early-stage investigators?
A: We still have a problem that academic
institutes keep trainees in graduate and
postdoc positions too long. But that’s not
a lever that we can totally pull. In terms of
the success rate for a first-time investigator,
we have pushed that up to about 25%. Look
at the numbers. We had 600 early-stage
investigators funded in 2014. The number

for [this year] is about 1400. I would say it’s
progress in the right direction.

Q: Do you think that ARPA-H, the new agency
to accelerate biomedical research, is going
to happen? And should it be a stand-alone
agency rather than part of NIH?
A: I sure hope it happens. There seems to
be enthusiasm in both the House [of Rep-
resentatives] and the Senate. It’s going to
be quite a challenge to stand up a compli-
cated organization like this. NIH is quite
ready to do that while maintaining arm’s
length to ensure a very different culture at
ARPA-H. It is going to have to figure out
the most compelling projects that involve
an opportunity to move something forward
at a pace that otherwise wouldn’t happen.
It seems to me NIH is in a pretty good
place to bubble up those kinds of projects.

Q: NIH has been involved in the Department
of Justice’s China Initiative, which aims to

stop intellectual property theft, because of
concerns that some NIH-funded scientists
have not disclosed foreign funding. Some
investigations have resulted in criminal pros-
ecutions. Is this the right way to handle it?
A: We need to be sure when somebody is
seeking substantial funding from NIH that
they have disclosed their other support. It
is clear there have been egregious incidents
where people had substantial funding,
even shadow labs in another country, [that
they did not disclose]. It’s up to the [fed-
eral prosecutors] to decide if somebody has
broken a law, such as tax law.

Q: You came under fire from scientists in
2020 for suspending a grant to the Eco-
Health Alliance and its subcontractor, the
Wuhan Institute of Virology, to survey bat
coronaviruses. NIH later restored it but with
conditions that EcoHealth said were impos-
sible to meet. Why haven’t you relaxed those
conditions and resumed the grant?
A: The termination of the grant, which
came down as an order from the White
House, was not something that we were
given a choice about. [Since then,] it’s
clear that while the original justification
for the work they were doing was quite
compelling, there have been ways in which
EcoHealth has not been responsive to NIH
requests for information. For instance,
they were supposed to notify NIH if a
certain viral construct they were working
with turned out to have a more than one
log increase in infectivity for a humanized
mouse, which did not happen. So they have
not fully discharged their responsibili-
ties working in an area that’s obviously
fraught with potential for human harm. [In
imposing conditions on the grant,] we’re
treating them like we would any grantee
that has responsibilities and hasn’t lived
up to them.

Q: What won’t you miss about being
NIH director?
A: I won’t miss the nasty politics that
unfortunately seem to surround a lot of
what’s happening right now as a reflection
of the divisiveness in our country. I won’t
miss the slings and arrows being pitched
at NIH, on the basis of political perspec-
tives. I won’t miss getting really horrible,
hateful emails every time I show up on
Fox News. And the things that they’re
quite comfortable saying about me and
my family. I won’t miss 100 hours a week
[of work]. That oftentimes was utterly
exhausting and consuming, but it needed
to be. So I haven’t had much chance to
really stop, reflect, and think and maybe
do some writing. I will be glad to be able
PHOTO: ANNA MONEYMAKER/ to do some of those things. j



SCIENCE 24 DECEMBER 2021 • VOL 374 ISSUE 6575 1547

NIH’s Collins steps down:

I won’t miss the nasty politics’

Geneticist’s 12-year tenure marked by funding increases,

new initiatives, and battling the COVID-19 pandemic


By Jocelyn Kaiser


rancis Collins ended his 12 years as director of the National Institutes of Health
(NIH) on a high note last week, rushing to interviews and being showered with
fond tributes from former presidents and even cellist Yo-Yo Ma. Collins, an affable,
guitar-playing, motorcycle-riding geneticist and physician, steered the $43 billion
agency through three administrations, won budget increases, and launched major
new programs in cancer, neuroscience, and personalized medicine. He also led
NIH’s efforts to fight the coronavirus pandemic. Collins, who is returning to his lab
at NIH’s National Human Genome Research Institute, spoke with Science about some
of his tenure’s highs and lows. The interview has been edited for clarity and brevity.

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