Science - USA (2021-12-24)

(Antfer) #1

1548 24 DECEMBER 2021 • VOL 374 ISSUE 6575 SCIENCE


ince 2005 astronomers have monitored
a pair of spinning neutron stars—two
superdense objects whirling around
each other every 2.5 hours while emit-
ting metronomic radio pulses. That
patient scrutiny has yielded the most
wide-ranging tests yet of Albert Einstein’s
theory of gravity. Unsurprisingly, the general
theory of relativity, as it’s called, passed all
the tests, leaving physicists both elated at the
feat and disappointed that it yielded no clues
to a “theory of everything” that would tran-
scend general relativity.
The unusual astronomical system—the
only known double pulsar—enabled the team
to put general relativity to seven tests, includ-
ing the most precise measurements yet of
how ripples in spacetime called gravitational
waves carry energy away from the stars, re-
ducing their masses and causing their orbits
to shrink. The system also displayed other ef-
fects that had never been measured before,
including how photons from one of the stars
slow down and bend as they pass through the
intense gravitational field of the other.
“This is a really impressive suite of tests for
general relativity—which of course passes,”
says Scott Ransom of the U.S. National Ra-
dio Astronomy Observatory, who was not in-
volved in the study.

When the stellar duo was discovered in
2003, “We didn’t realize what sort of a gem
it was,” says Michael Kramer of the Max
Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy, who
led the study. The stars, collapsed stellar
remnants made of tightly packed neutrons,
have masses greater than the Sun squeezed
into balls the size of a city, generating in-
tense gravitational fields. Their frenetic
spins turn them into pulsars, emitting
radio beams that sweep past Earth like a
lighthouse—one of them every 2.8 seconds,
the other every 23 milliseconds. Together,
they act as two giant clocks whirling in
each other’s intense gravity. By looking
for tiny variations in the pulses’ timing,
which reveal how gravity affects their or-
bits and the propagation of the photons
themselves, researchers can put relativity
to extreme tests.
To measure the pulses, Kramer and his
colleagues used six large radio telescopes
around the globe plus the Very Long Base-
line Array, a set of 10 dishes spanning the
United States. The fact that the team just
kept on observing the pulsars month after
month, for years, without publishing any
results became a running joke among col-
leagues. It’s been “a long time coming!”
says Cherry Ng of the University of To-
ronto’s Dunlap Institute for Astronomy &
Astrophysics, who commends the team for

its mammoth effort. “Combining data from
multiple telescopes is not an easy task.”
When the 56-page paper landed last week
in Physical Review X, researchers felt it was
worth the wait. “It’s an incredible paper
and is incredibly thorough,” Ransom says.
In total, the team says, general relativity
agrees with the observations to a level of at
least 99.99%.
The measurements were so precise that
some couldn’t be explained by general rela-
tivity’s simpler predictions: for example, how
gravity slows time, shifts light toward longer
wavelengths, and ratchets the axis of ellipti-
cal orbits forward slightly on each revolution,
an effect called precession. Theorists had to
factor in other, more esoteric predictions of
Einstein’s theory, such as the way a dense,
spinning mass twists the spacetime around
it, and the way extreme gravity can distort
the shape of an orbit. The latter is “a subtle,
subtle effect that’s never been measured be-
fore,” says Ransom, who was impressed by
just how many of these “higher order” effects
they had to invoke.
Although confirming general relativity is
satisfying, researchers want to find a chink
in its armor one day. General relativity can-
not be a complete description of how the uni-
verse works because, as far as anyone knows,
it cannot be reconciled with that other pillar
of modern physics, quantum mechanics. An
unexplained gravitational aberration might
hint at a path to a more complete theory. But
the double pulsar results only make it harder
to conjure up “other theories consistent
with the data,” says team member Thibault
Damour of the Institute for Advanced Scien-
tific Studies near Paris.
In addition to a testbed for relativity, the
double pulsar may offer a window into the
interiors of pulsars. To understand the behav-
ior of the densely packed neutrons, research-
ers need to know a pulsar’s density. Its mass
can be determined easily from its orbit, but
size—the other factor in density—is harder to
gauge. A subtle coupling between the spin of
each pulsar and its orbit, predicted by general
relativity, could provide a way to calculate its
radius—if the coupling could be measured
accurately enough. Ransom, who calls pulsar
size “a holy grail,” says he had hoped the dou-
ble pulsar researchers might be able to pin
it down, but they were only able to set size
limits. “It proved much trickier to pick out.”
More patience will be needed. Ransom
points out that in pulsar studies, the longer
you observe, the better accuracy you achieve.
In 10 or 20 more years, he says, the team may
be able to bear down even further. “It gets
much better with time.” j

The only known double pulsar system beams out
radio waves that sweep past Earth metronomically.



With double pulsar, theory of

gravity passes toughest test yet

Study 16 years in the making shows how gravity distorts

orbits and slows down photons

By Daniel Clery
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