Techlife News - USA (2021-12-25)

(Antfer) #1

Control-F function to replace Bitcoin references
to Dogecoin, though he later made some
adjustments to further the concept, such as
changing the name from mining to digging
and adding the one-minute block time to
differentiate from its competitors. Although
some have said that this means there’s no cap
to the supply of coin, meaning the supply of the
coins can inflate infinitely, it has a decreasing

inflation point at roughly five billion. The
currency uses a Proof-of-Work consensus
algorithm for security and relies on a scripting
technology that helps to prevent the high-
powered Bitcoin mining rigs. As a result, it’s only
possible to dig for Dogecoin using dedicated
FPGA and ASIC devices. As the currency is less
competitive than Bitcoin, and developers did
not perform a pre-mine, it’s fairer and offers
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