Techlife News - USA (2021-12-25)

(Antfer) #1

as an eye-turning feature. Although it took
three years between the announcement and
launch of the Model X, the car single-handedly
changed Tesla’s fate. In 2016, just 97 Model X cars
were sold, followed by 2,725, 21,600 and 27,250
in 2017, 2018, and 2019 respectively. In 2020,
26,100 were sold, and with the 2021 Model X
taking on SUV/MPV markets and sharing motor
technology with the Model S, the vehicle cuts an
imposing, whale-shaped hole into the electric car
chasm - and it’s won the critics over, too.

One area where Tesla has set itself apart from the
competition is with battery technology and, in
2016, the firm opened its Nevada battery plant
in partnership with Panasonic. It’s true that
Tesla models still go much further than other
electric vehicle batteries, despite the billions
of dollars invested in battery technology around
the world. Indeed, right now the Model S can

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