Techlife News - USA (2021-12-25)

(Antfer) #1

According to a new study from WhistleOut, the
average consumer spends an eye-watering nine
years of their lives looking at their smartphones,
and that’s without mentioning the use of
computers, televisions, and other devices that
increasingly control our lives. As innovators
look to the future, we could be headed for a
world where “The Human Interface” takes over,
replacing the screens, apps, and keyboards we’re
used to with new, immersive experiences.


Though we may have embraced a digital
revolution over the past couple of years, the
truth is that tech has a dark side, leading to
stress, anxiety, the fear of missing out, and
addiction, and as the past year, engulfed in
health anxiety over the coronavirus pandemic
and being forced to spend more time at home
than ever before, there’s only so much time you
can spend staring at a screen before you need a
release. Nowadays, it’s virtually impossible to get
by during the day without checking your phone

  • whether you’re meeting friends, ordering
    food, or paying for goods in-store, we need
    our devices more than ever before. This deeper
    connection with technology has allowed us to
    become more productive than ever before, it’s
    also changed the way we live, to a point some
    scientists and behaviorists are uncomfortable
    with. Now, as we look to free ourselves from our
    devices and spend more time in the real world,
    innovators like Apple are looking at new, non-
    invasive ways to introduce technology into the
    world, using gestures, eyes, voice, movement,
    and health monitoring to transform our lives
    away from screens and devices.

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