Techlife News - USA (2021-12-25)

(Antfer) #1

Apple’s design language has changed a great
deal in recent years, away from the silvers and
rounded edges towards a modern, industrial-
inspired design, as sported by the iPad Pro
and iPhone 12. That design language is set to
be elevated this year with the introduction of
new iMacs and MacBooks. Yet one thing has
remained consistent throughout the transition:
consistency. Over the years Apple has shown
a keen eye for detail, ensuring the company’s
portfolio stands out from the crowd, creating
cutting-edge, ‘unmistakably Apple’ products.


Apple has always taken design seriously,
cementing the company’s position as one of the
most well-known and instantly recognized in
the world. Where other technology brands have
piggybacked off of current trends - often taking
a leaf out of Apple’s book - the Cupertino
firm has stayed true to its routes throughout,
regularly taking risks that almost always pay
off. It all dates back to when Steve Jobs reigned
supreme; he had a vision for designing products
that not only looked clean and inviting but were
simple - products should “just work”, he said.

In more recent times, with Tim Cook at the
helm, Apple has veered off into a number of
new directions, and though some of its design
choices have been questionable, including
the infamous USB charging of the iMac
Magic Mouse 2 continuing to frustrate
professionals, Apple has largely been able
to navigate its changing market position with
great ease. Even when it ventured off into new
markets with the launch of the iPhone 5C,
adopting a more basic design to cut down on

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