Techlife News - USA (2021-12-25)

(Antfer) #1


Promotion parity will be top of mind for your
remote cohort — and for good reason. A 2014
hybrid work experiment by Stanford researchers
found remote employees were about 50% less
likely to be promoted compared with their in-
office colleagues, despite the remote workers
being more productive.

That is due, in part, to a butts-in-seats mentality
where managers judge performance by the
amount of time they physically see an
employee toiling away. That won’t cut it in a
hybrid workplace.

Instead, managers need to evaluate
performance based on what an employee
accomplishes. Setting objectives and key
performance indicators can help managers
more accurately assess someone’s contribution,
Jarvis says.

“It’s about the output, regardless of how it’s
getting done,” Jarvis says.

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