A Short History of the United States

(Tina Sui) #1

126 a short history of the united states

Hidalgo on February 2 , 1848 , and the Senate ratified it on March 10
by a vote of 38 to 14. By the treaty the United States received title to
over 500 , 000 square miles of territory, including the present states of
California, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona; the western
slope of Colorado; and a corner of Wyoming. Mexico also recognized
the Rio Grande as the boundary of Texas. In return, the United States
paid Mexico $ 15 million plus $ 3. 25 million in assumed claims by its
citizens against Mexico. American casualties in the war came to 1 , 721
from combat, and 11 , 550 from disease. Both Daniel Webster and Henry
Clay, who had opposed the war, lost sons in the confl ict. Mexican ca-
sualties amounted to 50 , 000.
Manifest Destiny had brought the nation to a new era in its history,
one that generated pride in what had been accomplished, especially the
acquisition of a territorial empire. But the consequences of the Mexi-
can War also brought a series of crises during the next de cade that
ended in secession and civil war.

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