A Short History of the United States

(Tina Sui) #1

344 Index

Algonquin tribes, 9 , 11 , 27
Alien and Alien Enemies Acts
( 1798 – 1800 ), 64
Alien and Sedition Acts ( 1798 ),
63 – 64
Allies: WW I, 202 – 3 ; WW II, 233 ,
241 , 243 – 44
Allison, William B., 172
Al Qaeda, 325 – 26 , 328
Ambrister, Robert, 80
America, origin of name, 6
America First, 205
American, 196
American Antislavery Society, 120
American character, 75 – 78 , 87
American colonies, 12 , 10 – 36 ;
legislatures of, 22 – 23 ; map of,
in 1652 , 21 ; royal, proprietary, or
corporate, 17 – 20 , 22. See also specifi c
colonies and states
American Colonization Society, 134
American Federation of Labor (AFL),
183 , 229 – 30
American fl ag, 40
American Independent Party, 279
American Revolution, 32 – 45
Americans with Disabilities Act
( 1990 ), 305
American System, 79 , 89 – 90
American Woman Suffrage
Association, 159
Ames, Oakes, 169 – 70
Anderson, Sherwood, 209
André, Maj. John, 44 – 45
Andros, Sir Edmund, 23
Anglican Church, 13 , 16 , 19
Annapolis Convention ( 1786 ), 47
Anthony, Susan B., 115 , 159
anti-communism, 230 – 31 , 245 – 46 ,
253 – 55
Antietam, Battle of, 147
anti-immigration movement, 137 ,
317 – 18
anti-imperialism, 189 , 191 , 193
antitrust, 182 , 193 – 94 , 197
antiwar demonstrations, 276 , 278 – 79

Anzio, Battle of, 241
Appomattox, surrender at, 152 – 53
Arbuthnot, Alexander, 80
Argentina, 84
Arizona, 126 , 189 , 317
Arkansas, 8 , 134 , 143 , 155 , 162 , 267
Armada, 9 – 10
Armenia, 303
Armstrong, Neil A., 265
Army Appropriations Act ( 1867 ), 161
Arnold, Benedict, 44 – 45
art and architecture, 118 , 209
Arthur, Chester A., 176 – 77
Arthur Andersen Company, 324
Articles of Confederation, 40 – 41 ,
45 – 49 , 51
Asian-Americans, 307 , 318
Askariya Mosque bombing, 333
Astor, John Jacob, 187
Atahuallpa, emperor of Incas, 7
Atlanta, 150 – 51
Atlantic Charter, 235
atomic bomb, 240 , 244 , 246 – 47 , 254 ,
Atomic Energy Act ( 1946 ), 247
Audubon, John James, 118
Auschwitz, 241
Austria, 84 , 231
Austrian-Hungarian empire, 203
automobiles, 206 , 229 ; emission
standards, 272
aviation, 207
Axis powers, 235 – 36 , 240
Azerbaijan, 303
Aztecs, 2 , 6 – 7

Babcock, Gen. Orville E., 170
Baker, James A., 335
Balboa, Vasco de, 8
Baldwin, Joseph, 118
Ball’s Bluff, Battle of, 144
Baltimore, Lord, 16
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, 132
Bank Bill, 106
Bankhead, William, 227
Banking Act: ( 1933 ), 222 ; ( 1935 ), 225
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