A Short History of the United States

(Tina Sui) #1

354 Index

Haldeman, H. R., 283 , 285 – 86
Half Breed faction, 176
Hall, Dominick, 108
Halleck, Gen. Henry W., 146
Halliburton, 324
Halsey, Admiral, 242
Hamas, 331
Hamilton, Alexander, 47 – 48 , 54 – 60 ,
65 – 66 , 106 , 116
Hamilton, Lee H., 335
Hamlin, Hannibal, 141
Hancock, John, 40
Hancock, Winfi eld Scott, 176
Hanna, Marcus A., 185 – 86 , 193
Harding, Warren G., 205 , 209 – 10
Harlem Renaissance, 209
Harpers Ferry raid, 140 – 41
Harriman, Job, 193
Harrison, Benjamin, 180 – 82 , 184
Harrison, William Henry
“Tippecanoe,” 98 , 111 – 12 , 116 , 122 , 180
Hart, Gary, 302
Hartford, 16 ; Convention ( 1814 – 1815 ),

Hastert, J. Dennis, 320
Hawaii, 189 , 191 , 236 , 265
Hawkins, John, 9
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 112 , 117
Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty ( 1903 ), 195 ,
Hayes, Rutherford B., 173 – 76
Haymarket Massacre ( 1886 ), 183
Hayne, Robert Y., 103
health insurance, 253 , 296 , 308 – 9
Hearst, William Randolph, 190
Helper, Hinton R., 139 – 40
Hemingway, Ernest, 209
hemp, 91 – 92 , 132 , 134 , 199
Hendricks, Thomas A., 173 , 179
Henry VII, king of England, 9
Henry the Navigator, prince of
Portugal, 5
Henry, Patrick, 33 , 37
Hepburn Act ( 1906 ), 194
Hersh, Seymour, 280
Hicks, John D., 205

Higher Education Act ( 1965 ), 271
Highway Act ( 1956 ), 259
Hill, Anita, 305
Hill, Isaac, 97
Hillman, Sidney, 229
Hinckley, John W., Jr., 295
Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing,
Hispanic-Americans (Latinos), 307 ,
317 – 18
Hispaniola, 5
Hiss, Alger, 246 , 254 , 257
History of New York (Irving), 75
Hitler, Adolf, 220 , 230 – 32 , 235 , 244 – 45
Holding Company Act ( 1935 ), 225
Hollywood Ten, 245 – 46
Homeland Security Department, 327
home mortgages, 217
Home Owners Loan Corporation
(HOLC), 223
Home Owners Refi nancing Act
( 1933 ), 222
Homestead Act ( 1862 ), 146 , 194
Homestead strike, 183
Hong Kong, 236 , 241
Hooker, Gen. Joseph, 148
Hooker, Thomas, 15 – 16
Hoover, Herbert, 202 , 213 , 215 – 20
Hopkins, Harry, 224
Horseshoe Bend, Battle of, 73
House of Seven Gables, The
(Hawthorne), 117
housing, 228 , 253 , 258 , 272 , 296
Housing and Urban Development Act
( 1965 ), 272
Housing and Urban Development
Department, 272 , 301
Howe, Elias, 119
Howe, Gen. Sir William, 38 , 42 – 44
Hudson, Henry, 9
Hughes, Charles Evans, 200
Hughes, Langston, 209
Hull, Cordell, 236 , 237
Hull, Gen. William, 72
Humphrey, Hubert H., 279 , 288
Hundred Days, 221 – 23
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