356 Index
Jackson, Jesse, 302 Jungle, The (Sinclair), 195 – 96
Jackson, Rachel D. Robards, 94 Justice Department, 262
Jackson, William, 48
Jackson State College killings, 280 Kansas,^135 –^39
Jamaica, 44 Kansas-Nebraska Act (^1854 ),^136 –^37
James I, king of England, 10 – 12 , 14 Karzai, Hamid, 326
James II, king of England, 18 – 20 , 23 Katrina, Hurricane,^327 ,^334
Jamestown colony, 10 – 12 Kearny, Col. Stephen W.,^125
Japan, 231 , 235 – 38 , 241 – 44 , 255 Keating-Owen Child Labor Act
Japanese-American Commercial ( 1916 ), 199
Treat y ( 1911 ), 236 Kefauver, Estes, 257
Japanese-American Reparations Act Kelley, William D. “Pig Iron,”^169
( 1988 ), 302 Kendall, Amos,^97
Japanese-Americans, removal of, 238 , Kennedy, Edward M. “Ted,”^279 ,^292
302 Kennedy, John F., 263 – 69 , 279 , 284 ,
Jaworski, Leon, 285 292 ,^306 ; assassination of,^269 –^70
Jay, John, 45 , 54 , 61 , 65 Kennedy, Robert F.,^277 –^79 ,^292 ;
Jay Treaty ( 1796 ), 61 – 62 assassination of,^278
Jeffers, Robinson, 209 Kent State killings, 280
Jefferson, Thomas, 34 , 36 – 37 , 40 , Kentucky, 134 , 143
46 – 47 , 54 , 56 – 62 , 64 – 71 , 79 , 199 , 103 , Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions
116 , 119 (^1798 ),^64
Jewish Americans, 212 , 241 , 321 Kern, Jerome,^208
Jim Crow laws, 178 , 261 Kerry, John, 331 – 32
Johnson, Andrew, 144 , 151 , 154 – 63 , 167 , Key, David M.,^174
169 , 189 Khalilzad, Zalmay,^333
Johnson, Herschel V., 140 – 41 Khmer Rouge,^281
Johnson, James W., 209 Khomeini, Ayatollah,^291
Johnson, Lyndon B., 259 , 262 – 63 , Khrushchev, Nikita, 266 – 67
269 – 79 , 281 , 284 , 305 King, Adm. Ernest J.,^237
Johnston, Gen. Joseph E., 144 , 147 , King, Dr. Martin Luther, Jr.,
152 117 ,^261 –^62 ,^268 –^69 ,^272 –^73 ;
Joint Commission on Atomic Energy, assassination of, 278
247 King George’s War, 27
Jones, John Paul, 44 King Philip’s War,^27
Jones, Paula, 318 King William’s War,^27
Jones Act ( 1916 ), 192 – 93 Kitty Hawk fl ight, 207
Juarez, Benito, 148 Kleindienst, Richard, 284
Judd, Walter H., 254 Knowland, William,^254
judicial branch, 50 , 66 , 70 , 227 Know-Nothing Party,^136 –^38 ,^141
Judicial Procedure Reform Act ( 1937 ), Knox, Henry,^46 ,^54
228 Knudson, William S., 240
judicial review, 70 , 226 Korean War,^255 –^60
Judiciary Act: ( 1789 ), 54 , 70 ; ( 1800 ), Kosovo,^304 ,^312
66 ; ( 1802 ), 69 – 70 K Street Project,^323
Julian, George W., 144 , 161 Ku Klux Klan (KKK), 165 , 209 , 212