A Short History of the United States

(Tina Sui) #1

358 Index

Madison, James, 48 , 53 – 54 , 56 – 57 , 59 ,
64 , 70 – 72 , 78 – 79 , 107 , 116 , 307 – 8
Mafi a, 208 , 252
Magellan, Ferdinand, 8
Maine, 16 , 83 , 84
Maine (USS), 190
Malay Peninsula, 236 , 241
Maliki, Nuri al–, 333
Mallory, Rollin C., 91
Manassas. See Bull Run, Battle of
Manchuria, 235 , 244
Manhattan Project, 240
Manifest Destiny, 122 – 26 , 189 – 90 , 195
Manila, capture of, 242
Mann, Horace, 115
Mann-Elkins Act ( 1909 ), 197
Mansfi eld, Mike, 269
manufacturing. See industrialization
Mao Tse-tung, 254
Marbury v. Madison, 70
Marcy, William L., 97
Marne, Battle of, 202
marriage, 114 , 317 ; same–sex, 332
Marshall, George C., 237 , 249 , 254 ,
257 – 58
Marshall, John, 66 , 70 , 75 , 102 , 106
Marshall, Thurgood, 305
Marshall Plan, 249 – 50
Martin, Joseph W., 256
Martin v. Hunter’s Lessee, 75
Maryland, 16 – 17 , 28 , 41 , 47 , 51 , 134 , 143
Mason, George, 48 , 51
Mason, James M., 144
Massachusetts, 23 – 25 , 28 – 29 , 34 – 37 ,
46 , 51 , 87 , 198 , 332 ; Bay Colony,
14 – 16
Maurer, James H., 219
Maximilian, emperor of Mexico, 148
Mayfl ower Compact, 13 – 14
McAdoo, William G., 212
McCarran Internal Security Act
( 1950 ), 255
McCarran-Walter Immigration and
Nationality Act ( 1950 ), 255
McCarthy, Eugene, 277 – 78
McCarthy, Joseph R., 254 – 55 , 257

McClellan, Gen. George B., 144 – 47 ,
McClure’s, 196
McCormack, John, 269
McCormick reaper, 118 , 187
McCulloch v. Maryland, 75 , 106
McDowell, Gen. Irwin, 144
McGovern, George, 281 – 82
McGuffey, William H., 116
McKay, Claude, 209
McKinley, William, 181 , 183 , 185 – 86 ,
189 , 191 – 93
McKinley Tariff Act ( 1890 ), 181 – 85
McNary, Charles L., 233
Meade, Maj. Gen. George G., 149
Meat Inspection Act ( 1906 ), 195 – 96
Medicaid, 271
Medicare, 271 , 294 , 325 , 333 , 335
Medina, Capt. Ernest, 280
Mellon, Andrew, 216
Melville, Herman, 117
Menéndez de Avilés, Pedro, 7
Menneville, Marquis Duquesne de, 27
Meredith, James, 268
Mergentheber, Ottmar, 187
Merrimac and Monitor, Battle of, 147
Metacom, Chief, 27
Mexican-Americans, 211 , 317 , 238
Mexican War, 118 , 123 – 28 , 124 , 189
Mexico, 84 , 148 , 201 , 313 ; Texas
independence from, 122 – 23
Mexics, 6 – 7
Microsoft Company, 316
Middle East, 260 , 303 – 4 , 326 , 330 – 31 ,
“midnight appointments,” 66 , 70
Midway, 236 , 242
military-industrial complex, 260
Military Reconstruction Act ( 1867 ),
Milosevic, Slobodan, 312
Mims, Fort, massacre, 72
minimum wage, 227 – 28 , 253 , 335
Minimum Wage and Hours Act
( 1938 ), 229
Missionary Ridge, Battle of, 150
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