A Short History of the United States

(Tina Sui) #1

368 Index

Temperance movement, 115
Tennessee, 8 , 134 , 143 , 155 , 159 , 178
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA),
222 , 253
ten-percent plan, 150 – 51
Tenure of Office Act ( 1867 ), 161 – 63 ,
terrorism: domestic, 308 – 9 ; Islamic,
325 – 26 , 330 – 31 ; war on, 327 , 332
Tet Offensive ( 1968 ), 277
Texas, 122 – 24 , 127 , 130 , 134 , 141 , 156 ,
164 , 178 , 189 , 267 , 317 , 323 , 334
Texas v. White, 165
Thailand, 241
Thirteenth Amendment ( 1865 ), 151 – 52 ,
155 , 166
Thomas, Clarence, 305
Thomas, Jesse, 83
Thomas, Lorenzo, 162
Thomas, Norman, 219 , 220
Thomas, Parnell, 245
Thompson, A. M., 176
Thoreau, Henry David, 112 , 117
Three-fi fths Compromise, 50 , 121 , 159
Thurmond, J. Strom, 251 , 252 , 271
Tiananmen Square protests, 303
Tilden, Samuel J., 173 – 75
Time , 246
Tincher, J. N., 210
Tippecanoe Creek, Battle of, 111
tobacco, 11 , 18 , 22 , 24 , 50 , 92 , 132 , 134
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 90 – 91 , 97 – 98 ,
Tojo, Gen. Hideki, 236
Toleration Act (Maryland, 1649 ), 17
Toombs, Robert, 129
Tordesillas, Treaty of ( 1494 ), 6
Toussaint-Louverture, 68
Tower, John, 298
Tower Commission, 298
Townsend, Dr. Francis E., 224
Townshend, Charles, 33 – 34
trade, 49 – 50 , 313 , 70 – 71 , 301. See also
tariffs; and specific treaties
Trade Acts (British), 24
Trail of Tears, 102

Tra nscendenta l ists, 112 – 13 , 117 – 18
transportation and communications,
76 , 79 , 90 , 116 , 184 , 259 , 316
Treasury Department, 53 – 59 , 65 , 107 ,
170 , 181 , 211
treaties of alliance and amity and
commerce ( 1778 ), 43 , 60
Treat y of 1783 , 45
Treat y of 1846 , 123
trial by jury, 47 , 54
Triple Alliance, 235 – 37
Tripoli, undeclared war with, 67 – 68
Trist, Nicholas, 125 – 26
Truman, Harry S., 243 – 57 , 261
Truman Doctrine, 249
Trumbull, Lyman, 158 – 59
Tubman, Harriet, 135
Tugwell, Rexford G., 219
Tur k e y, 247 , 249
Turner, Benjamin S., 164
Turner, Nat, Rebellion, 120 – 21
Tuscarora tribe, 9
Twain, Mark, 166
Tweed Ring, 173 , 175
Twelfth Amendment ( 1804 ), 66 , 88 – 89
Twentieth Amendment ( 1933 ), 52 , 220
Twenty-Fifth Amendment ( 1967 ), 283
Twenty-First Amendment ( 1933 ), 221
Twenty-Fourth Amendment ( 1964 ),
Twenty-Seventh Amendment ( 1992 ),
54 , 307 – 8
Tw i c e -To l d Ta l e s (Hawthorne), 117
Tyler, John, 111 , 122 – 23 , 142

Ukraine, 303
Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe), 135
Underground Railroad, 120 , 135
Underwood-Simmons Tariff ( 1913 ),
unemployment, 184 – 85 , 215 – 16 , 219 ,
221 , 223 , 229 , 305 ; compensation,
225 , 294
Union Army, 143 – 53
Union Navy, 147
Union Pacifi c Railroad, 167 , 169 , 171
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