370 Index
U.S. Congress (continued ) in, 315 ; Gingrich revolution and,
slavery abolition adopted by, 151 – 52 ; 309 – 12 ; impeachment of Clinton
slavery disputes and, 82 – 84 , 119 , and, 319 ; impeachment of Johnson
121 , 127 – 31 , 140 – 41 ; space race and, and, 162 – 63 ; impeachment of
265 ; state militias authorized by, 59 ; Nixon and, 284 ; Jacksonian era
Supreme Court and, 212 ; tariffs, and change in, 96 – 98 ; Jay Treaty
silver and antitrust of 1889 – 1890 , and, 61 ; New Deal and Democratic
181 – 82 ; tariffs and nullifi cation issue control of, 224 , 226 , 251 ; presidential
and, 103 – 4 ; trade and embargos election of 1800 – 1801 decided in,
during Napoleonic Wars and, 70 ; 65 – 66 ; presidential election of 1824
Vietnam War and, 274 , 280 ; War of decided in, 88 – 89 ; presidential
1812 , 72 , 74 ; war powers and, 304 ; election of 1876 decided in, 173 – 75 ;
war with Tripoli and, 68 ; Wilson Reconstruction and, 157 ; reform
and progressives in, 198 – 99 ; WW movement and, 197 – 98 ; seats added
I and, 201 – 2 , 205 , 216 ; WW II and, in, with Fourteenth Amendment,
230 , 235 , 237 , 238 , 239 , 243. See also 159 ; slavery debates in, 82 – 84 ,
U.S. House of Representatives; U.S. 127 – 31 , 139 ; slavery debates in,
Senate: and specific acts, individuals, and gag resolution, 121 ; Spanish-
laws, and political parties American War and, 190 – 91 ;
U.S. Congress Joint Committees: of
Fifteen on Reconstruction, 156 – 57 ,
159 , 162 ; on the Conduct of the
Wa r, 144 – 45 , 151 , 243
television and, 296 – 97. See also
U.S. Congress; and specific acts,
individuals, and political parties
U.S. House of Representatives
U.S. Constitution, 59 – 60 , 135 , 142 , committees: Budget, 310 ;
222 ; Bank of U.S. and, 57 , 106 – 7 ; Dies, 230 – 31 , 245 ; Ethics, 307 ;
bill of rights added to, 51 – 52 , 53 ; Housing, 228 ; Judiciary, 227 ,
drafted and ratifi ed, 50 – 52 ; “implied 268 , 285 – 86 , 319 , 320 ; Judiciary
powers” clause, 57 , 106 ; Louisiana Subcommittee on Criminal Justice,
Purchase and, 69. See also specific 287 ; Manufactures, 91 ; National
amendments and Supreme Court cases Currency, 79 ; Un-American
U.S. House of Representatives: Activities (HUAC), 231 , 245 , 246 ;
African-Americans in, 164 , Ways and Means, 67 , 143 , 181
213 ; anti-communism and, 254 ; U.S. Housing Authority, 228
assumption of state debt and, 56 ; U.S. Marines, 239 , 300
Bank of U.S. and, 79 ; Bank scandal U.S. Navy, 79 , 233 , 236 , 239 , 242
and, 307 ; Bank War and, 109 ; Bill U.S. Post Offi ce, 170
of Rights and, 54 ; Bush II and, U.S. Senate: African-Americans in,
322 – 23 , 334 ; civil rights legislation 164 ; anti-communism and, 254 – 55 ;
and, 268 ; Clay as first great Speaker Bill of Rights and, 54 ; Bush I and,
in, 71 – 72 , 79 ; creation of, 49 , 50 ; 305 ; Bush II and, 323 ; civil rights
“Czar Reed” and, tarifffs, 181 ; fi libuster and, 270 ; Clinton and,
Democrats control, with elections 309 ; Clinton impeachment and,
of 1912 , 198 ; elections of 1916 , 200 ; 320 – 21 ; Compromise of 1850 and,
elections of 1992 , and diversity 130 – 31 ; corruption in, 196 ; creation
of, 307 ; elections of 2006 , 335 – 36 ; of, 49 – 50 ; elections of 1916 , 200 ;
ERA and, 315 ; first female Speaker elections of 2006 , 335 – 36 ; Jackson