A Short History of the United States

(Tina Sui) #1

372 Index

Waite, Morrison R., 174
Walden (Thoreau), 117
Waldseemuller, Martin, 6
Wallace, George C., 268 – 69 , 279
Wallace, Henry A., 234 , 251 – 52
Walls, Josiah T., 164
Walsh, Lawrence E., 299 , 300
Wampanoag tribe, 27
war, power to declare, 67 – 68
War Department, 53 , 54 , 145 , 170 , 247
War Hawks, 72
War Industries Board, 202
Warner, Charles Dudley, 166
War of 1812 , 72 – 75 , 86 , 89 , 97 , 116 , 119 ,
122 , 134
War of the Austrian Succession, 27
War of the League of Augsburg, 27
War of the Spanish Succession, 27
War on Poverty, 269
War Powers Act: First ( 1941 ), 239 ;
Second ( 1942 ), 239 ; ( 1973 ), 282 , 304
War Production Board, 240
Warren, Earl, 252 , 257 , 261 , 269
Washington, D.C., 56 , 64 – 65 , 121 ;
burning of, 73 ; Civil War and, 143 ;
March of 1893 , of unemployed, 185 ;
March of 1963 for Civil Rights,
269 ; peace convention of 1861 , 142 ;
segregation in, 213 ; slavery in, 130 , 145
Washington, George, 28 , 38 – 39 , 41 – 45 ,
48 , 52 – 54 , 57 , 59 – 62 , 71 , 87 , 116 , 188 ,
197 – 98 , 234
Washington Globe, 104
Washington Post, 268
Washington State, 238
Water and Air Quality Acts ( 1965 ),
Wateree tribe, 18
Watergate scandal, 281 , 283 – 88
Watson, Albert W., 271
Watson, Thomas E., 186 , 195
WAV E s , 239
Wa x haw tribe, 18
wealth, concentration of, 109 – 10 ,
187 – 88 , 324 – 25 , 331. See also Robber

weapons of mass destruction (WMD),
326 – 30
Weaver, James B., 176 , 183 – 84
Webster, Daniel, 77 , 92 , 95 , 102 – 3 ,
107 – 8 , 111 , 126 , 130 , 296
Webster, Noah, 116
Weinberger, Caspar, 300
welfare reform, 302 , 310
Welles, Gideon, 97 , 160
West Bank, 312 , 331
West Coast Hotel v. Parris, 227 – 28
West Indies, 24 , 44
West Point Military Academy, 90
West Virginia, 143
westward expansion, 39 , 41 , 46 – 47 , 56 ,
76 – 77 , 82 , 122 – 26 , 125 , 146 , 188 – 90.
See also Manifest Destiny; and
specific states and territories
Wheeler, Burton K., 211
Wheeler, William A., 173
Wheelwright, John, 16
Whig Party, 108 – 9 , 111 , 121 – 22 , 124 ,
128 , 136 , 141
Whiskey Rebellion, 58 – 59
Whiskey Ring, 170
White, Hugh L., 111
Whitefi eld, George, 25
white rule, in South, 165 – 66
Whitewater investigation, 318
Whitman, Walt, 118
Whitney, Eli, 77
Whittier, John Greenleaf, 118
Wilderness Campaign ( 1864 ), 150
Wiley-Dondero Act ( 1954 ), 259
William and Mary, king and queen of
England, 23
William II, kaiser of Germany, 203
Williams, John Bell, 271
Williams, Roger, 15
Willkie, Wendell L., 233 – 34
Wilmot Proviso, 127 – 28
Wilson, Henry, 167 , 169
Wilson, James, 48
Wilson, Woodrow, 110 , 198 – 205 , 207 ,
218 , 257
Wilson-Gorman Tariff ( 1894 ), 185
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