A Short History of the United States

(Tina Sui) #1

Index 373

Winthrop, John, 14
wiretapping, 327 , 335
Wisconsin, 178 , 196
Wolfe, Gen. James, 28
Wolfowitz, Paul, 328
woman and child labor laws, 184 , 193 ,
women: citizenship rights, 315 ;
education movement, 115 ; elected
to Congress, 307 ; excluded from
Fourteenth Amendment, 159 ;
flappers and new freedom of, 208 ;
rights movement, 115 , 159 , 315 ;
suffrage movement, 176 , 200 – 201 ,
208 , 315 ; voting rights extended to,
Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps Act
( 1942 ), 239
Wood, Col. Leonard, 191
wool industry, 79 , 91 – 93 , 167 , 199
Worcester, Samuel, 102
Worcester v. Georgia, 102
working class, 86 – 87
working conditions, 115 , 184 , 193
Work ingmen’s Par t y, 87
workmen’s compensation, 198
Works Progress Administration
(WPA), 224 , 229
World Trade Center: bombing of
1993 , 308 ; September 11 , 2001 , and,

World War I, 199 – 203 , 205 , 207 , 216
World War II, 231 – 44 , 245 , 255 , 258
Wright, Fielding, 251
Wright, Frances, 115
Wright, Frank Lloyd, 209
Wright, Jim, 299 , 300
Wright, Silas, Jr., 91
Wright, Wilbur and Orville, 207
writs of assistance, 35
Wynkoop, Henry, 53
Wyoming, 126

xenophobia, 210 – 11
X,Y,Z Affair, 63

Yalta Conference, 244
Yamamoto, Adm. Isoroku, 236 , 242
Yamassee tribe, 100
Yancey, William, 91
“yellow dog” contracts, 217
yellow journalism, 190
Ye lt s i n , B o r i s , 303
Yemassee, The (Simms), 118
Yorktown, Battle of, 44 – 45
Yo u n g , Br i g h a m , 114
youth culture, 260 – 61
Yucatán, 6
Yugoslavia, 233 , 304 , 312 – 13

Zimmerman, Arthur, telegram, 201
Zoot-suit war, 238
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