(Marcin) #1
premature neonates. At this time, however, there is no clear
consensus regarding IVIg and use is practitioner dependent. [ 24 ]

d) Activated protein C is no longer recommended in pediatric or adult
sepsis, following results of the PROWESS SHOCK trial, published
in 2011.[ 7 ]

IV. Neonatal Sepsis

Many of the principles of pediatric sepsis apply to the neonatal population,
and the principles of therapy are essentially identical for the 2 groups. A
proposed algorithm for management of neonatal sepsis is available at the end
this section.[ 25 ] Due to
issues associated with their delivery, potential for prematurity, and possibility of
undiagnosed congenital disorders, septic neonates comprise a unique
population, which poses both diagnostic and therapeutic challenges. This is a

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