Cliffs AP Chemistry, 3rd Edition

(singke) #1
IX. Acid + Metal →Salt + Hydrogen

  1. Sulfuric acid is added to a solid strip of zinc:
    H++ Zn →H 2 + Zn2+

  2. A piece of magnesium is dropped into a beaker of 6 M hydrochloric acid:
    Mg + H+→Mg2++ H 2

  3. Calcium metal is added to a solution of 4 M HCl:
    Ca + H+→Ca2++ H 2

Some Common Departures

  1. Lead shot is dropped into hot, concentrated sulfuric acid:
    Pb + H+SO 4 2–→PbSO 4 + SO 2 + H 2 O

Note the departure from the general guideline.

  1. Solid copper shavings are added to a concentrated nitric acid solution. (This reaction
    is well known and is covered quite extensively in textbooks. Note how it departs
    from the guideline.)
    Cu + H++ NO 3 – →Cu2++ H 2 O + NO 2
    X. Base + Amphoteric Metal →Salt + Hydrogen Gas
    Amphoteric metals (such as Al, Zn, Pb, and Hg) have properties that may be intermediate
    between those of metals and those of nonmetals. They will react with a base to form a
    complex ion with oxygen. This is a rare problem.

  2. A piece of solid aluminum is added to a 6 M solution of sodium hydroxide:
    Al + OH–→AlO 33 - + H 2

  3. A solid piece of zinc is added to a 6 M solution of potassium hydroxide:
    Zn + OH–→ZnO 22 - + H 2
    XI. Strong Acid + Salt of Weak Acid →Salt of Strong Acid + Weak Acid

  4. Hydrochloric acid is added to potassium acetate:
    H++ Ac–→HAc (Do not dissociate a weak acid.)

  5. A 9 M nitric acid solution is added to a solution of potassium carbonate:
    H++ CO 32 - →H 2 CO 3
    XII. Weak Acid + Weak Base →Conjugate Base + Conjugate Acid

  6. A solution of ammonia is mixed with an equimolar solution of hydrofluoric acid:
    NH 3 + HF →NH 4 ++ F–

  7. Acetic acid is added to a solution of ammonia:
    HC 2 H 3 O 2 + NH 3 →CHO 2 32 - + NH 4 +

Writing and Predicting Chemical Reactions
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