Practice Test
Section I (Multiple-Choice Questions)
Time: 90 minutes
75 questions
45% of total grade
No calculators allowed
This section consists of 75 multiple-choice questions. Mark your answers carefully on the
answer sheet.
General Instructions
Do not open this booklet until you are told to do so by the proctor.
Be sure to write your answers for Section I on the separate answer sheet. Use the test booklet
for your scratchwork or notes, but remember that no credit will be given for work, notes, or
answers written only in the test booklet. Once you have selected an answer, blacken thoroughly
the corresponding circle on the answer sheet. To change an answer, erase your previous mark
completely, and then record your new answer. Mark only one answer for each question.
Example Sample Answer
The Pacific is
(A) a river
(B) a lake
(C) an ocean
(D) a sea
(E) a gulf
To discourage haphazard guessing on this section of the exam, a quarter of a point is subtracted
for every wrong answer, but no points are subtracted if you leave the answer blank. Even so, if
you can eliminate one or more of the choices for a question, it may be to your advantage to guess.
Because it is not expected that all test takers will complete this section, do not spend too much
time on difficult questions. Answer first the questions you can answer readily, and then, if you
have time, return to the difficult questions later. Don’t get stuck on one question. Work quickly
but accurately. Use your time effectively. The following table is provided for your use in an-
swering questions in Section I.