The Final Touches
- Spend your last week of preparation on a general review of key concepts, test-taking
strategies, and techniques. Be sure to review the key terms and key concepts for each sub-
ject-matter chapter in this preparation guide. - Don’t cram the night before the test! It’s a waste of time.
- Remember to bring the proper materials: three or four sharpened #2 pencils, an eraser,
several ballpoint pens, a calculator, and a watch. - Start off crisply, answering the questions you know first and then coming back to the
harder ones. - If you can eliminate one or more of the answers in a multiple-choice question, make an
educated guess. - On the test, underline key words and decide which questions you want to do first.
Remember, you do not have to do the essay questions in order in your answer booklet.
Just be sure to number all of your essays properly. - Make sure that you’re answering the question that is being asked and that your answers
are legible. - Pace yourself; don’t run out of time.
Answers and Explanations for the Practice Test