Street Photography for the Purist

(coco) #1

These lenses didn’t even approach sharpness until f/5.6.
Their light meters were horrible when taking today’s capabilities into consideration.
And they made and recorded magic.
Most of the masters were human light meters.
They knew how to use a distance scale on their lenses.
They knew what the depth in depth of field meant.
They used it very well.
Aspire to attain the same knowledge yourself.
You can learn to measure light.
You can learn how to anticipate a moment.
You can learn benevolent stalking of subjects and their evolving situations.
I think that composition is the actual part of this whole equation that is the most difficult to learn and attempt to master.
You learn by doing.
By seeing.
By looking at work by the masters of the genre.
In fact, I think you learn by looking at and studying not just photography – in the context of composition and “light play” – but by visiting museumsand checking out paintings, drawings and many other genres of art where composition is of tantamount importance.

Just like with karate or Rosicrucian philosophy you will not become anything close to a master overnight.
It will take months and years of practical knowledge.
Given the right amount of commitment you will learn more through street photography to apply other genres than any other photographic endeavor.

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