Street Photography for the Purist

(coco) #1

Not only that but if you decide to pursue other types of photography as an occupation or profession I feel that a self-led journey though street
photography will put you ahead of the game.
Moments are king. You’ll find that the “actual moment” is the fraction of a second before the “actual decisive moment.” It’s really the evolution of
the perfect moment.
In fact I believe that they, moments, are the whole court.
A well-composed moment can be magic.
No other genre teaches the patient pursuit of moments better than what you’ll find on the streets anywhere in the world.
Because of my love and my own pursuit of all that is street photography I believe my anticipation of moments is much better.
I’m still learning.
I’m still learning from the moments that escape me.
They happen.
They happen to everyone.
As much as I knew they were there to teach me something it took a while for me to smile and laugh.
Some of those moments I still see in my mind.
Many others, though, are on a cellulose material slathered with light sensitive emulsion.
Not on a sensor.
The sensor is used in the context of my commercial work ... funding my pursuit of streets ... across from my house ... down the road and six
thousand miles away on a cobbled street.
The street hones my commercial work.
My event work.

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