Street Photography for the Purist

(coco) #1

I remember the first time I saw the framelines.
I remember the first thwaap.
So will you.
And if you’re thinking, “You Leica fucking snob,” go ahead.
You just don’t know.
Those that know.
And they’ll never look back.
Yes, I know that the majority of people who purchase or collect Leica equipment are doctors and dentists and well-to-do engineers. The collective
fondlers. Some of my fondler-friends tell me that the Leicas only come out for birthday parties and trips to make sharp-yet-shitty tourist photos.
I know this.
Buck the trend.
Use the Leica.
Don’t fondle it like you fondle yourself.
Use it like a tool.
A tool that is the only perfect tool for making street photographs.
Seriously, a used M6 from the mid-nineteen-eighties should cost you a grand. Take it to a technician and have it CLA’d – fondler-speak for Clean,
Lube and Adjust. You can buy a Summicron or a ‘cron as the happy-fondlers call them for about eight hundred. All figures in U.S. dollars. You do
the conversion. I make photos.
A ‘cron is a two-oh. You can make wonderful photographs with them.

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