Street Photography for the Purist

(coco) #1

Mr. HCB did.
What he could have done with fast film and one-four glass. Ah ... I’ll bet he wished.
With a two-oh lens you’ll be limiting yourself to making photographs before dusk and almost never at night.
The one-four is a perfect lens for almost any situation.
There is a one-oh lens.
The Nocti.
But ... I’ll get into that later.
You can call me a Leica-asshole.
Go ‘head.
You know I don’t care.
Always err on the side of faster glass if you can.
You won’t regret it.
You’ll regret the moments that pass you by because your tool wasn’t well chosen.
Trust me. Or don’t.
Again, I don’t really give a flying fuck.
Whatever that is or however it is performed.
A roll of film. A rangefinder with fast glass. Patience. And the desire for a simple adventure on the streets. And love.
For what you’re attempting to do. That’s what you need.

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