Technocopia is a non-profit maker-space that is located in Worcester. They provide a shared space and
tools for their clients who wish to design and create their own projects. Technocopia’s main interest in
the aquaponic greenhouse seems to be the possibility of creating open source designs that can be
locally manufactured by anyone. It is Technocopia's wish that the designs that go into this aquaponic
greenhouse be accessible by anyone who wants to replicate this design on a smaller or larger scale.
Technocopia wants the CAD drawings and any other element of the design to be easily reproduced,
even by individuals who have no expertise in the area. Another one of Technocopia’s interests is the
sustainability of the greenhouse, and to this end the company has suggested that it would like for the
greenhouse to also produce crops for plastics. These plastics could then be used for repair of the
greenhouse and the structures inside it via the process of 3d printing to carve out certain specific
structures in need of replacement. Regional Environmental Council and Urban Garden Resources of Worcester
The Regional Environmental Council (REC) of Central Massachusetts is a local agency that helps in the
production and distribution of seedlings. Their program Urban Garden Resources of Worcester
(UGROW) is engaged in helping communities create food security by growing food in their
neighborhoods. They have currently established 62 community gardens in Worcester and provide these
gardens with the technical assistance to grow organic seeds and seedlings. The UGROW network
includes school, youth, senior citizens, social service agencies and grassroots community residents. This
diverse network not only makes a viable market for seedlings, but it also helps in connecting people of
all ages and backgrounds with each other. (Regional Environmental Council, n.d.)
2.3 Aquaponic Greenhouse Design
2.3.1 Greenhouse Structure Greenhouse Frames
Considering the weight of the materials plus the amount of snow in the winter in New England we must
choose a good and strong frame for the greenhouse. When considering which frame design we are
going to use, it is important to look at what kind of materials we are going to use in its construction. A
good design will hardly help if we use a material that cannot withstand the weight put on it. Ross
provides a useful overview of the possible materials for greenhouse frames: “The frames are made of
wood, galvanized steel, or aluminum. Build-it-yourself greenhouse plans are usually for structures with
wood or metal pipe frames. Plastic pipe materials generally are inadequate to meet snow and wind load
requirements.” (Ross, n.d.). For this reason, plastic is basically out of the list in New England.
There are many different styles of greenhouses, but not all of them are made for the heavy winter.
Figure 15 shows a few designs that could work for the northeastern weather.