machinery to bend and cut steel bar, also, the cost of steel is close to double of the cost of wood
(Alamos, 2015).
Taking these facts into consideration, the best and most reliable material to build the outer frame is
The following design reflects using wood as the main material. For a steel greenhouse other options
would have to be taken in consideration, therefore the overall design would change. Figure 32 8 shows
rigid frame greenhouse made out of wood.
The walls of the greenhouse will be plywood up to a height of 4 feet on the sun-facing sides, with a full
plywood wall on the north facing wall. This is possible due to the fact that we are building an aquaponic
greenhouse, which does not have plants growing on the ground.
Figure 32. Rigid frame greenhouse with double doors
RED 10 12’ long Pressure treated wood.
RED 4 10’ long Pressure treated wood.
RED double door made out wood. About 7’ wide.
BLUE 7 10’ long Base/top lumbers.
BLUE 16 12’ long Base/top lumbers.
DARK GREEN 22 - 30 8’ long studs lumber.
DARK GREEN 2 12’ long studs lumber.
PURPLE 18 12’ long shaft lumber.
BLACK the black lines represent the part of the building which is not