Physical Chemistry of Foods

(singke) #1

  1. The polyelectrolyte itselfcontributes to the ionic strength. Recall
    thatI¼ð 1 = 2 ÞSðmiz^2 iÞ. For a high polymermis very small, butjzj
    may be very high. For example, a 10^5 molar concentration of a
    polyelectrolyte withz¼100 (which is not exceptional) would
    yield an ionic strength of at least ð 1 = 2 Þð 100610 ^5612 þ
    10 ^561002 Þ¼ 0 :05 molar; the first term between parentheses is
    due to the counterions, the second to the polyelectrolyte.
    Although the Debye–Hu ̈ckel theory as discussed in Section 2.3.2
    cannot be precisely applied, the high ionic strength of a
    polyelectrolyte solution does have large effects on several proper-
    ties. Some examples are given later on.

  2. The electric charge on the molecule strongly affects itsconforma-
    tion, causing it to be more expanded than a neutral polymer. The
    extent of expansion can be very high ifzis high, but it markedly
    decreases with increasing ionic strength. The change in conforma-
    tion affects several properties, for instance the viscosity of the
    solution; see Section 6.3.2. Other properties affected are diffusion
    coefficient, sedimentation rate (in an ultracentrifuge), light
    scattering, the second virial coefficient (Section 6.4.1), and the
    chain overlap concentration (Section 6.4.2).

  3. Polyelectrolyte molecules of like chargerepel each other. Unless
    the concentration is very small, this may affect the distribution of
    molecules over the available space, hence light scattering and the
    second virial coefficient. It also causes the conformation of the
    molecules to be somewhat less expanded at a higher concentra-

  4. If polyelectrolytesadsorbonto (uncharged) particles, this gives the
    particles an electric charge, causing interparticle repulsion. This is
    discussed in Chapter 12.

  5. If an electric potential gradient is applied in the solution,
    polyelectrolyte molecules will move in the direction of the
    electrode of opposite charge. This is calledelectrophoresis. If the
    polyelectrolyte is immobilized, the solvent will move in the electric
    field, a process called electroosmosis. These principles are applied
    in several laboratory techniques but will not be discussed here.

  6. Solubilitymay strongly depend on pH and ionic strength. This is
    especially important for proteins and is discussed in Section 7.3.

  7. Specific interactions may be caused by the presence of polyvalent
    counterions or oppositely charged polyelectrolytes.

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