TABLE9.2 Approximate Values of Some Physical Constants of Oil (i.e., a Liquid Mixture of
Triacylglycerols), Water, a Saturated Sucrose Solution (About 66%Sugar by Mass in Water), and
Air. All at about 20 8 C (ExceptDHf)
Property Symbol Unit Oil Water Sugar solution Air
Mass density r kg?m^39209901320 1.2
Refractive index nD — 1.45 1.333 1.451 1.000
Specific heat cp kJ?kg^1 ?K^1 2.1 4.2 2.8 1.0
Heat of fusion DHf kJ?kg^1 150–200 313 — —
Heat conductivity l mW?m^1 ?K^1160580270 0.26
Viscosity Z mPa?s 70 1.00 120 0.018
Surface tension g mN?m^1407378 —
Dielectric constant e relative 3 80 35 1
water 0 ??þ
ethanol þ? þþ
hexane? trace trace þ
Vapor pressure pv Pa < 1 2300 1990 —
a0 insoluble,þsoluble,?miscible in all proportions.