All textbooks on colloid science discuss colloidal interaction forces, such as
P. C. Hiemenz, R. J. Rajagopalan. Principles of Colloid and Surface Chemistry,
3 rded. Marcel Dekker, New York, 1997.
R. J. Hunter. Introduction to Modern Colloid Science. Oxford University Press,
Oxford, 1993.
A clear and detailed discussion on most of the colloidal interaction forces is also
found in
J. N. Israelachvili. Intermolecular and Surface Forces, 2nded. Academic Press,
London, 1992.
A thorough discussion of some basic aspects is found in
J. Lyklema. Fundamentals of Interface and Colloid Science. Vol. I ‘‘Fundamentals’’
1991, Vol. II ‘‘Solid–Liquid Interfaces’’, 1995. Academic Press, London.
TABLE12.3 Summary of the Most Important Colloidal
Interaction Forces and of Factors Affecting Their
Interaction A/R d PC pH I SQ rg
van der Waals A, (R) þþ
Electrostatic R þ i þþ
Steric R, A (þ)iþþ
Electrosterica R(þ)iþþ(þ)b þ
Depletionc A þþþ
A: Attractive
R: Repulsive
d: Particle diameter
PC: Particle composition
I: Ionic strength
SQ: Solvent quality
rg: Radius of gyration, as affected by stiffness and molar mass
þ: Does affect the force
: Does not affect it
(þ): Weak or in some conditions
i: Indirectly, as it can affect adsorption
aPolyelectrolyte brush.
bSQ primarily affected by pH and ionic strength.
cAs caused by a neutral polymer.