Physical Chemistry of Foods

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square of the valence. For the data in Figure 13.4, the proportionality would
be toz3.5. The results also depend on the absolute value of the electrokinetic
potential, mcr, being greater for a higher potential. Moreover, other
variables, especiallyAandd, affect the result, such as the slope of the
curve and the dependence of mcr on valence. Nevertheless, the figure

FIGURE13.3 Basic data needed to calculate capture efficiency in perikinetic
aggregation. As an example, part of the colloidal interaction potentialVas a
function of interparticle distancehis given; it is calculated from DLVO theory [Eqs.
(12.1) and (12.7)] for d¼0.5mm,A¼1.25kBT,c 0 ¼15 mV, andI¼10 mM (1/
k¼3 nm).yis the integrand of Eq. (13.5),y* that of Eq. (13.7); note the different

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