Especially Chapters 1 by B. P. Binks (introduction), 7 by A. S. Kabalnov
(coalescence), and 9 by J. G. Weers (Ostwald ripening and related phenomena) are
Coalescence in emulsions, with an emphasis on engineering applications, is in
A. K. Chesters. Coalescence Probability. Trans. Inst. Chem. Eng. 69 (1991) 259–270.
Useful information is also in the textbook
E. Dickinson. An Introduction to Food Colloids. Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford, 1992.
Especially Chapter 5 on foams is recommended. Foam stability is reviewed by
A. Prins. Principles of Foam Stability. In: E. Dickinson, G. Stainsby, eds. Advances
of Food Emulsions and Foams. Elsevier Appl. Sci., London, 1988.
An authoritative monograph, going into great detail, but almost leaving out
polymeric surfactants, is
D. Exerova, P. M. Kruglyakov. Foams and Foam Films. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1998.