Physical Chemistry of Foods

(singke) #1

Appendix H

Physical Properties of Water at

0–100 8 C

Mass density (r), viscosity (Z), refractive index at a wavelength of 589 nm
(nD), relative dielectric constant (e), vapor pressure (pv), and surface tension
(g) of pure water at various temperatures (T).

T rZnD e pv g
( 8 C) kg.m^3 mPa?s (–) (–) kPa mN?m^1
0 999.9 1.787 1.3346 87.9 0.610 75.6
5 1000.0 1.519 1.3346 85.9 0.872 74.8
10 999.7 1.307 1.3343 84.0 1.228 74.1
15 999.1 1.139 1.3338 82.1 1.705 73.3
20 998.2 1.002 1.3333 80.2 2.34 72.6
25 997.1 0.890 1.3329 78.4 3.17 71.8
30 995.7 0.798 1.3323 76.6 4.24 71.0
40 992.2 0.653 1.3309 73.2 7.38 69.4
50 988.1 0.547 1.3293 69.9 12.33 67.7
60 983.2 0.466 1.3275 66.8 19.92 66.0
70 977.8 0.404 1.3255 63.8 31.16 64.3
80 971.8 0.355 1.3231 60.9 47.34 62.5
90 965.3 0.315 1.3209 58.2 70.1 60.7
100 958.4 0.282 1.3182 55.6 101.3 58.9
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