Hydraulic Structures: Fourth Edition

(Amelia) #1


The aim of the book, to provide a text for final year undergraduate and
postgraduate students, remains the same as in the previous editions; we
also trust that researchers, designers and operators of hydraulic structures
will continue to find the text of interest and a stimulating up-to-date
reference source.
This new edition enabled us to update the text and references
throughout, and to introduce some important changes and additions react-
ing to new developments in the field. We have also taken note of some
comments received on the previous edition; particular thanks for the con-
structive comments and help provided by Professor J. Lewin in redrafting
Chapter 6 (Gates and valves).
The authorship of individual chapters remains the same as in previ-
ous editions; (Dr Narayanan carried out the work on this edition during
his stay in the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,
Johor Bahru, Malaysia). However, as our colleague Dr C. Nalluri unfortu-
nately died in December 2003 β€˜his’ text was reviewed by Dr Narayanan
(Chapter 13) and Professor Novak (Chapters 9, 10 and 12) who also again
edited the whole text.
Readers of the previous (2001) edition may note the following major

Chapter 1. Enhanced discussion of environmental issues including the
World Commission on Dams report.
Chapter 2. New sections on partially saturated soils, small farm and
amenity dams, tailing dams and lagoons and upgrading and
rehabilitation of embankment dams; extended treatment of
upstream face protection/rock armouring.
Chapter 3. Extended discussion of roller-compacted concrete dams
and a new section on upgrading of masonry and concrete

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