Main symbols
a constant, gate opening, pressure wave celerity, wave amplitude
A cross-sectional area
b breadth, channel width, constant, length of wave crest
B water surface width
porewater pressure coefficient
c apparent cohesion, coefficient, constant, unit shearing strength,
wave celerity
C Chezy coefficient, coefficient, concentration
Cd coefficient of discharge
CD drag coefficient
Cv coefficient of consolidation, coefficient of velocity
d depth, diameter, sediment grain size
D diameter, displacement of vessels
E cut-off (core) efficiency, energy, Young’s modulus
e energy loss, pipe wall thickness
f correction factor, frequency, function, Lacey’s silt factor
F factor of safety, fetch, force, function
FD drag force
Fr Froude number
FSL full supply level
g gravitational acceleration
GWL ground water level
h uplift pressure head
h head, pump submergence, rise of water level above SWL, stage
H total energy (head), head (on spillway etc.), wave (embankment)
Hs seepage head, significant wave height, static lift
HFL high flood level
i hydraulic gradient
I inflow, influence factor, moment of inertia