Hydraulic Structures: Fourth Edition

(Amelia) #1


Fig. 8.24 log(hz) versus logQ

  1. Figure 8.21 suggests that the maximum stage before overtopping of
    banks occurs is 2.7 m (from the bed level). Allowing a reasonable
    groundwater table of 0.3 m below ground level, the maximum allow-
    able stage preventing overtopping and waterlogging is 1.7 m. There-
    fore the maximum water level upstream of the weir corresponding to
    this stage, h 1 1.7 0.61.1 m. Hence the discharge, Q, that can
    spill over the weir without flooding is 26.75 m^3 s^1 (from Fig. 8.24).
    Note the following:

QCdCvg1/2bh 1 3/2(weir formula) (ii)

Cvh 1 3/2H 1 3/2 (iii)


H 1 h 1 V^21 /2g (iv)


V 1 Q/[B(h 1 P)] (v)

Bbeing the mean width of the river in height (h 1 P).
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