(a) Geometric, kinematic, dynamic and mechanical similarity
Geometricsimilarity is similarity in form, i.e. the length scale Mlis the
same in all directions.
Kinematicsimilarity denotes similarity of motion, i.e. similarity of
velocity and acceleration components along the x,y,zaxes;Mu,M,Mw
are all constants (not necessarily equal); the same applies for the accelera-
tion scales.
Dynamicsimilarity denotes similarity of forces; thus with Mmas the
scale for mass and Mtfor time we can write
MPxMmMaxMmMlxM^ t^2 MmM^2 uMlx^1 constant (16.1)
(etc., in the yandzdirections).
Mechanicalsimilarity is an all-embracing term including geometric,
kinematic and dynamic similarity, i.e. Ml,MandMPare all constants, the
same in all directions. Mechanical similarity can be defined as follows: two
formations are (mechanically) similar if they are geometrically similar and
if, for proportional masses of homologous points, their paths described in
proportional times are also geometrically similar. This definition, based on
Newton’s law, thus includes geometric similarity of the two formations, the
proportionality of times and the geometric similarity of the paths travelled
(kinematic similarity) as well as the proportionality of masses and thus
also of forces (dynamic similarity).
Thetheory of similarity, leading to dimensionless numbers and
scaling laws, can be elaborated in three ways. The first determines the cri-
teria of similarity from a system of basic homogeneous (differential) equa-
tions which mathematically express the investigated physical phenomena.
The second path leads to the conditions of similarity through dimensional
analysis carried out after a careful appraisal of the physical basis of each
phenomenon and of the parameters which influence it. The combined use
of physical and dimensional analyses is often the best route to a successful
formulation of similarity criteria. The third way could be denoted as the
method of synthesis (Barr, 1983; Sharp, 1981).
An example of the first route – the use of physical laws and govern-
ing equations – is the formulation of the scaling laws (criteria) by writing,
for example, the Navier–Stokes equations, both for the model and the pro-
totype, and inserting the scales of the various parameters onto one set of
the equations. In this way we arrive from
u w Y